Robert Opel
's Fey-Way Studios
1287 Howard Street, San Francisco, CA USA
March 1978 - July 1979
For larger images, click on thumbnail.
Anita Bryant Look-Alike Contest

Item No. 2: 375"x5.25"
b/w offset printed post card
Robert Opel - Post Card
The Boarding House
2 PM, May 29, 1978
In addition to featuring artists' work at Fey Way, Robert Opel also produced art events at other San Francisco venues like the Boarding House. Biron received this post card from Robert Opel in the Spring of 1978.  ANITA BRYANT'S homophobic crusade particularly enraged Gays in California since we were already fighting Against State PROPOSITION No. 6 that would have barred gays from teaching in public schools if it had passed in the November 1978 California elections. Fortunately, it failed miserably at the polls as did Anita Bryant's anti-gay crusade.
BIRON worked with the 'No on 6' campaign in the summer & fall of 1978 and was in charge of distributing these fund-raising buttons to all the SOMA gay bars.
Robert Opel presents William Moritz with The Midas Wells Show
Item No. 3: 3.75"x4.5" b/w photocopy on colored paper, artist unknown
Gay Community Center Event
8:30 PM. June 2 , 1979
This event was produced at the the Gay Community Center at 330 Grove Street which soon would be demolished to build a parking structure leaving the Gay community without a center for more than 20 years.
William Moritz taught in the film and video faculty at the California Institute of the Arts. The author of numerous articles on abstract film, he made over 30 short films and videos. Moritz died on March 12, 2004, at Mokelumne Hill, CA after a long battle with cancer. 
Biron's hand numbered ticket for the performance. Collage photocopy featuring a bearded Robert Opel in drag with tits, evening gloves and military officer's dress cap.

Item No. 9: 5.5"x8.75" color
printed on white card stock


Robert Opel's last
Christmas card
Fey-Way Studios

December 1978

Offset printed pen and ink and hand-colored drawing of Santa with heart tattoo inscribed 'Prancer.'
Unsigned drawing, artist unknown.

For Philip Vincent's interview with Biron dealing with Opel, Mapplethorpe and Dreva, click here.
The images presented in this gallery are for historical and non-commercial purposes only and remain the exclusive property of the individual artists shown.
If you have any information that could be added to this site, please email it to:

Photos by BIRON © All rights reserved
